Wythnos Prentisiaethau Cymru / Apprenticeship Week Wales will be taking place between 6th – 12th February 2023 with the aim of providing recognition for Apprenticeships, as well as raising awareness of them and how they benefit society.

Apprenticeship Week Wales

An Apprenticeship is the process of gaining a recognised qualification through on the job training. It is very useful for people who are looking for a steady move into work with no prior work experience. However, an Apprenticeship can also be provided to those who are more experienced and looking to further develop their skills and show competence in their specific area.

There is very broad range of subjects that allow for Apprentices to be employed in a wide variety of careers, ranging from Project Management to Advice and Guidance or Horticulture to Sustainable Resource Management. To find out more information about these and other qualifications which are delivered by Talk training, please contact our Sales office on 01443 848300, or send an email to info@talktraining.co.uk or visit our website, https://www.talktraining.co.uk/ . 

Talk training’s Business Development Managers continue to engage with South Wales employers by delivering Awareness Sessions through MS Teams. This flexible approach to delivering valuable information enables Talk training to meet with potential learners and encourage them to consider signing up to an Apprenticeship to develop their existing skills.

During Wythnos Prentisiaethau Cymru / Apprenticeship Week Wales 2023, Talk training will be engaging with CwmTaf Morgannwg University Health Board, NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership, Health Education and Improvement Wales, POBL, G4S, Gestalt Centre Wales, Veolia, Natural UK Ltd Caerphilly County Borough Council, and Sky Cardiff, with the following activities:

Monday 6th February:
  • Health Education and Improvement Wales – discussing Project Management and Business Administration level 4 Apprenticeships
  • CwmTaf Morgannwg University Health Board to discuss ILM level 4
  • GTS Flexible Material – Customer Meeting to discuss Apprenticeships
  • Gestalt Centre Wales – Customer Meeting to discuss Apprenticeships
Tuesday 7th February:
  • POBL – Awareness sessions on Advice and Guidance level 4
  • NHS Wales Shared Service Partnership – Awareness sessions on ILM level 5
  • CwmTaf Morgannwg University Health Board – Awareness sessions on Project Management
  • G4S meet and greet open session to discuss Apprenticeships with staff
Wednesday 8th February:
  • NHS Wales Shared Service Partnership WSSP – Awareness sessions to discuss Business Administration level 4
  • CwmTaf – Awareness sessions on Business Administration level 4 and ILM level 4
  • Veolia – Customer Meeting to discuss Apprenticeships
Thursday 9th February:
  • Health Education and Improvement Wales – Awareness sessions on Project Management
  • Natural UK Ltd – Awareness sessions on Sustainable Resource Management levels 3 and 4, Project Management
  • Caerphilly County Borough Council – Awareness sessions on Project Management
  • Sky Cardiff – open sessions/meet and greet to discuss apprenticeship with staff
  • CwmTaf Morgannwg University Health Board – Awareness sessions on ILM level 4 & 5
Friday 10th February:
  • Talk Training’s Strategy Day

Don’t forget to let us know what you are doing to celebrate Wythnos Prentisiaethau Cymru / Apprenticeship Week Wales 2023 by using the hashtags #WPCymru or #AWWales on your social media accounts.