The Blaenau Gwent Social Care Partnership held its annual Celebration of Achievement Awards on 19 April. The event, hosted by TV and radio presenter Jamie Owen recognised over 120 social care professionals who have achieved a qualification within the care sector over the past twelve months.
Opening the ceremony Jamie remarked: ‘Wales is a richer place because of you and your work. Never underestimate what it is your profession does, you enrich lives.
The ceremony recognises individuals who work within the social care sector in the Blaenau Gwent region and was attended by over 200 people.
Liz Majer, Social Services Director for Blaenau Gwent said ‘These awards are recognition of the hard work and determination shown by staff across the sector to achieve their qualifications. It is vital that we have a skilled workforce to deliver these important social care services. She also praised the dedication of twenty individuals who received the prestigious Care Champions award. Care Champions are nominated by the partner organisations for: