The Welsh Government believes in and supports Apprenticeships in Wales as they fuel the future essential skills base of our nation.
Apprenticeships in Wales help to inspire success in the individual and bring huge benefits to the workplace. The Welsh Government currently offers a number of initiatives to encourage employers to recruit more apprentices. One of the most popular is the Young Recruits Programme. This is an all Wales programme that provides funding to employers offering high quality apprenticeship programmes who recruit and train additional young apprentices (16-24 year old).
Employers: Can You Make Someone Great?
Come and join the 81% of business that say employing apprentices makes their workplace more productive. By becoming involved in Apprenticeships in Wales, you are creating a more responsive, motivated workforce with the key skills and experience you need.
Apprentices can do great things for their employers. But they need the chance to work and train. The Welsh Government pays the external training costs, leaving you to pay only for the wage of the trainee.
Apprentices: Make yourself a great career – Take an Apprenticeship
Apprenticeships are a great way for you to gain recognised qualifications and essential skills while earning a wage.
The workplace experience that you will gain during your apprenticeship will stay with you for life, and it has never been a better time to have marketable skills. You`ll share your learning between college or a training provider and working in your employer’s business, so you`ll gain both qualifications and the experience to back them up.
Apprenticeships in Wales are open to everyone, whether you are a young learner, or want to change your career pathway. You can learn on the job and get extra skills from a training provider.
What Next?
For further details visit the Welsh Government website
Or if you would like to speak to someone about apprenticeship opportunities in Wales, Employers should call 0845 60 661 60, Individuals contact Careers Wales on 0800 100 900 or visit the Careers Wales website, or you can email