Alcohol plays a role in many of our lives, even if we don’t realise it. But by making even small changes to our drinking behaviour we can become healthier and happier and reduce our risk for many serious health conditions including cancer, mental health problems, and liver disease.

In 2017, 7,327 people in the UK died as a direct result of their drinking. This is the equivalent of 20 people per day, and is an increase of 11% since 2006. But this is only the tip of the iceberg. If we include every death in which alcohol was a factor, the figure is closer to 24,000. Alcohol is the biggest risk factor for all early deaths among 15-49 year olds.

The risk is not just to those we tend to think of as dependent drinkers, sometimes referred to as ‘alcoholics’. Those who end up on cancer, liver and stroke wards are often ‘normal’ heavy drinkers who might appear well on the outside but who have been unknowingly harming their bodies. Behind each death is a personal tragedy, not least because every one of these deaths is avoidable.

For more information, including a free full Alcohol Change Report, please visit –